Kelly Chiropractic PLLC

Dr. Brooke Kelly D.C., AVCA Certified Chiropractor
Mobile Chiropractic Care for ALL in Idaho!

Kelly Chiropractic will identify where there is a joint that is not moving properly in the spine (which puts pressure on a nerve, causing discomfort and pain)…this is called a subluxation.
Dr. Kelly will then apply a quick thrust into the joint space; putting proper movement back into the joint, thus taking inflammation and pressure off of the unhealthy nerve…this is called an adjustment.
Kelly Chiropractic uses motion palpation, range of motion, and movement diagnostics to identify the subluxation location. She also now has additional infrared imaging technology to identify where the inflammation is.

The longer you wait; likely more pain/injury will occur
Often medications only mask a problem; together with Eastern and Western medicine, we can help heal the body
If you wait until there are signs of distress and pain, the healing process will be more difficult and take longer
Excruciating pain can happen instantly. You must be the advocate for spinal health. Please get adjusted before this happens so we can avoid having sudden, terrible pain.
When the spine is adjusted through chiropractic treatment, it puts motion back into a joint(s) that are not moving properly and are causing pain
Seeking chiropractic treatment will help insure that muscles, tendons, ligaments, and organs connected to the affected unhealthy nerve are working at an improved level
If the affected, unhealthy nerve goes untreated, it may often not only cause pain, but also tingling, numbing, weakness, or muscle atrophy because the nerve is now starting to die
Getting adjusted regularly helps correct the unhealthy nerve, which in turn, restarts the correct to and from healing signals from the brain
Other methods of treatment such as surgery and injection therapy, can cause serious musculoskeletal system stress. It can cause neck/head/back pain, peripheral neuropathy, muscle tension, movement/walking difficulty, fatigue, sciatic nerve pain. Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate these symptoms.
Chiropractic treatments can lower stress/anxiety and increase flexibility/mobility of the body
Chiropractic care can strengthen muscle function and help improve overall well-being